A new website.

Talk about a fresh start.  ​The 'old' website was starting to get comments...like "it's ugly."  Then along came my son and daughter to rescue.  As a birthday present.  "Dad, we're going to make you a new website."  Gotta love kids who turn a negative into a positive!

​So here we are with a new look, a new selection of images, and hopefully it isn't ugly!

This blog will be connected to the facebook page, because we all have to be connected, don't we.  ​The facebook page is at Facebook.com/MSCPix or you'll see little facebook icons on this site's pages, for easy access.

So if you run across this page in your web travels, just drop a quick "Hi" in the comments to let me know you've visited.  I promise the next blog post will be full of free stuff, sex and a great new ice cream flavor.​